Information Technology, Project, and Business Consulting.

Clive Rowe

Helping Information Tell Its Story

On its own a dictionary is just a collection of words. An author helps those words tell their story. On its own information is just a collection of numbers. I can help your numbers tell their story. Numbers, like words, mean nothing on their own. Those numbers must be crafted into a story that is accurate, true, and compelling. I can help you find the story behind your data. That story will be accurate (factually correct), true (representing some worthwhile insight), and compelling (understandable in a way that leads to action).

I am a business analyst and project manager with a wide range of experience. Someone who understands business and technology. A professional who can work with technical or business teams. A clear and effective communicator. A resource you can rely on.


Recent Successes

Industry Background

Twenty years of experience across many industries and in three countries. Provided solutions, programmed software, and analyzed problems in a variety of business areas. These include, supply chain management, postal operations, finance, reinsurance (including a Lloyd's of London syndicate), legal practice management, membership and subscription, and wholesale distribution.


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